Crusin' Historic Downtown Gresham
Start Date/Time: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 4:00 PM
End Date/Time: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 8:00 PM
Recurring Event: Recurring Event Every 1 week(s) on Wednesday until 8/30/2023 (total 13 events)
Importance: Normal Priority

MEWA Parking Lot

50 NW 5th St. Gresham, OR

Registration: $8.00

*Lot will not open until 4:00pm, you can queue on the street prior to entering.  If you pull into the lot and park before 4:00pm, you will be asked to move your car and get into line.  We do not have the lot until 4:00pm, so please help us out.

Awards, Raffle, 50/50

Lots of great restaurants and shops in historice downtown.  Please help support our sponsors Spinnella's, Hoppy Brewers, and Poppy & Dale Vintage.



Owned by Administrator Account On Friday, March 10, 2023